As an organisation
Would you like to support us as an organisation? There are multiple ways to help us enhance the experience of our students at King's Maths School including through corporate donations. Find out more here on this page.
Opened in September 2014, King's College London Mathematics Schools embraces new thinking, ideas and teaching techniques to enable young mathematicians to realise their talents. Our mission is to provide opportunities for students with an interest and aptitude for mathematics, especially to those from backgrounds currently under-represented in the mathematical sciences.
We are fortunate that our award-winning educational provision including our core and extended curriculum is fully funded. However, we must look further ahead to make broader programmes such as Outreach, trips and other enrichment activities a sustainable reality.
We are hugely committed to ensuring disadvantaged students are given the same opportunities as their peers through a high-quality inclusive educational experience. This means our school needs financial backing with regards to supporting students who might be on Free School Meals (FSM) or receiving travel bursaries and/or discounted equipment such as laptops.
There are a number of ways to support KCLMS and contribute to school life. This could be by donating your time and experience through a career talk or mentoring through our King's Certificate, providing a work experience opportunity and much more. Contact us here if you would like to find out more.
If you:
Have had a look at our website and are intrigued or excited
Want to give young mathematicians a chance to realise their talents
Are the family or friend of a young person attending King's Maths School
Then join us by taking one or more of the following steps:
Support our fundraising campaign. You can make a personal donation, regular or one-off, via our Friends of King's Maths School charity. You may even be able to double your donations if your company offers matched funding. More information here about Friends and donating through this form here.
Contact Aurelie Leonard, External Relations Officer, with any ideas or suggestions as to how we could work together including making a significant gift. Contact Jeremy Judge, Assistant Head (Staff Development and Co-Curriculum) and Careers Lead, for opportunities such as offering internships, work experience, mentoring, career talks and more.
Check out the links below if you are a part of an organisation or an individual wanting to support us.
Would you like to support us as an organisation? There are multiple ways to help us enhance the experience of our students at King's Maths School including through corporate donations. Find out more here on this page.
Support King’s Maths School by giving your time through career talks, work experience, or mentoring via the ground-breaking King’s Certificate. You can also make a donation to support programmes like Outreach, trips, and enrichment activities.