The Class of 2024 have attained outstanding A Level results, with 70% A* grades and 97.6% A*-A grades.
Our second cohort graduated in Summer 2017, and attained some stunning results.
59% of all entries are A* grades, 89% are A*/A, and 99% are A*/A/B. We believe these proportions to be the best of any state school in the country. Even more critically, we are adding huge value to our students: each student is on average doing more than 1 whole grade better than their GCSE grades predict. We are confident this places us as one of the top few schools in terms of value added.
The results in each and every subject have once again been outstanding:
The AS results are just as fantastic, with 93% of all grades at A/B, and an incredible 80% of the year group gaining at least three A grades. These results are better even that last year's year 12 results.
Progression to university is exceptional:
Our heartfelt thanks go to the students first and foremost - they are so inspiring to teach. But we'd also like to thank teachers, all other staff who perform such vital functions, governors, parents and carers, and the many people at KCL and beyond who make King's Maths School the special and impactful place that it is.
Class of 2017: well done!