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"KCLMS was one of the best times of my life."

With over 40% female students currently in Year 12, King's Maths School is building a strong pipeline of mathematical scientists from under-represented backgrounds. In fact, The Times recently gave prominence to some of our alumnae ('King's set me up for Cambridge') and their phenomenal achievements.   

First up, as featured in the article, Nandini graduated in 2020, and completed a Masters in Engineering at Trinity College. During the first year of her undergraduate studies, Nandini founded the ERA fellowship, a non-profit initiative uniting an exceptional cohort of early career researchers from over 10 countries. ERA fellows tackle some of humanity’s most pressing challenges, including AI Safety and AI Governance.

Since 2021, Nandini has raised over £2.5m in philanthropic funding to lead ERA. Nandini says about KCLMS, "[it] was one of the best times of my life intellectually: the culture is so deeply unique to the community there. It set a bar for intellectual curiosity and love of learning which is hard to match anywhere else …The mentorship I received, and the teachers who thoughtfully pushed me to consistently do better, reinforced my commitment to empowering others in kind. I have tutored and mentored younger students, especially girls. I feel proud to carry forward the legacy of the school." 

Secondly, as featured in the article, Estelle (also Class of 2020) took a master's in maths at the University of Edinburgh, graduating with a first this summer. Estelle is now taking a PhD at the Big Data Institute at Oxford with the Turing Institute to improve global health. 

She says that KCLMS "allowed me to truly make the most of my interest in maths, while not needing to define myself solely by that interest. In another sixth form I'd have been pigeonholed as a maths nerd, but I was able to identify with so much more."

Thank you to Nandini and Estelle for their heartwarming comments about the enduring impact that KCLMS has had on their life and career. We are very proud of them.