Axiom Maths Circles
A Maths Circle is a group of students who come together to grapple with intriguing puzzles, discover and explore exciting ideas and learn to think like mathematicians. Axiom is a long-term programme and students who join in year 7 will be guaranteed a place on the programme for their entire school journey. Our experience is that the students who most enjoy the Circles are high-attainers who love problem-solving and imaginative, creative thinking.
You can also find out more about Axiom maths circles on the Axiom website.
We run some circles online and some in person. Students attending online will need a device with a camera and a microphone, and a good enough internet/wifi connection.
Sessions are on Mondays and Thursdays from 16:30 to 17:30 and will run throughout the year.
Since our mission is to widen participation in mathematical sciences degrees and careers, we’ll prioritise places for students who:
- have been eligible for Free School Meals in any of the past 6 years
- live or have lived in local authority care, are a young carer, or are disabled
- are from a group traditionally underrepresented in the mathematical sciences at university level, namely Black African, Black Caribbean, and Gypsy, Roma and traveller students, as well as female and non-binary students
- live in socio-economically disadvantaged areas (measured by POLAR)
- have special educational needs
- attend non-selective schools
How to apply?
Applications are now closed.