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GCSE+ Physics


GCSE+ Physics is a weekly term time programme for students who enjoy physics and seek a deeper understanding of physical concepts. You will get the chance to take part in amazing and fun practicals and solidify your understanding with experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable physics teachers. This programme is available for students in year 9 and continues through to year 11. Students will be diving deep into fascinating physics, exploring ideas that they may have seen before in more detail, and increasing their knowledge, intrigue, and love for the subject.

The purpose of the sessions is to develop your capacity to think like a physicist and solve unfamiliar problems so that you are confident of GCSE success and well-prepared for studying physics at A-level and beyond. It’s not a GCSE revision class, so don’t expect to be doing lots of exam papers, but instead students will be diving deep into fascinating physics, exploring ideas that they may have seen before in more detail, and increasing their knowledge, intrigue, and love for the subject.

If you like physics and think you might want to take A Level Physics, then this programme is for you.


All sessions take place in the student building here, at King’s Maths School.

The school is located centrally, and just a short walk away from Waterloo, Lambeth North and Elephant and Castle stations. Local bus routes include 3, 59, 159, 344 and 360. Click here for directions.


Sessions are taking place weekly during term time on a Monday or Thursday afternoon, 16:30-18:30. This is a two-year programme and once you have joined you have a guaranteed place until February half term in year 11.


Since our mission is to widen participation in mathematical sciences degrees and careers, we’ll prioritise places for students who:

  • have been eligible for Free School Meals in any of the past 6 years
  • live or have lived in local authority care, are a young carer, or are disabled
  • are from a group traditionally underrepresented in the mathematical sciences at university level, namely Black African, Black Caribbean, and Gypsy, Roma and traveller students, as well as female and non-binary students
  • live in socio-economically disadvantaged areas (measured by POLAR)
  • have special educational needs
  • attend non-selective schools

How to apply

Applications are now open for: