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Barbara Shollock

College Governor

Barbara is a College Governor who serves on the Education Committee as well as the Governing Body. Term of office: four years from September 2020.

Barbara joined our Governing Body on 1 September 2020.

Barbara is a Professor in the Department of Engineering, King’s College London. She joined King’s in 2019 to lead the relaunch of the Department and to become its new Head. She joined from the University of Warwick where she spent 4 years as Academic Director of WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group). Prior to that, she was an academic at Imperial College London for 20 years. She is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

She has held a visiting Council of Engineering Science visiting Professorship in Sweden, a Royal Society Industry Fellowship at Rolls-Royce plc and a Research Fellowship at Keble College Oxford. She studied engineering at Lehigh University, USA and obtained her MSc from the same institute while working at AT&T Bell Labs. She received her DPhil from the University of Oxford.

Barbara is active in promoting Engineering to young people and is involved in activities to highlight women in STEM.