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KCLMS Summer Schools

Girls love Maths and Physics! Summer School 

At King’s Maths School, when we say mathematics is for everyone, we mean it! Our ‘Girls love Maths and Physics! Summer School unites 160 female-identifying year 10 students as they explore the wonderful world of the mathematical sciences. Over the course of four days, you will explore exciting and new ideas outside of the traditional school curriculum, complete fun experiments, take an inspiring trip, listen to female speakers in the field, and practise your problem solving. We can promise that you will be transformed and inspired by what you learn and who you meet - an invaluable experience for anyone who enjoys maths or science.

Each day will run from approximately 09.45am until 3.15pm (exact times will be confirmed nearer to the time) and takes places at King’s Maths School in Lambeth (we’re opposite the Imperial War Museum), except the day of the trip. The summer school is completely free, lunch will be provided, and financial support can be given for anyone who might struggle with travel expenses.


Female, and female-identifying, students in year 10.


14th - 17th July 2025.

* Please note we are always happy to provide a letter explaining the reason for a student's absence. We can also liaise with the respective Head of Maths or Form Tutor. We have found schools to be accommodating in the past and we will help in any way we can to secure the place with a student's school.


All sessions take place at King’s Maths School, in our student building. The address is:

5 Lambeth Walk
SE11 6SP

Here are some directions.

Step up to A level (Maths, Physics, Further Maths) Summer School 

The Summer School is designed to give you a taste of what you can expect from sixth form level courses. Each day you will delve into the wonders of Maths, Physics, and Further Maths. During the sessions you will discover some of the ‘big ideas’ within these subjects, begin to sharpen the key skills that will help you be successful in the courses, and put you in the best position to excel in the next academic year! You will attend lectures, participate in practical experiments in the university’s labs, collaborate on problem solving, and meet other students who are just as keen about maths as you!  

Each day will run from approximately 09.45am until 3.15pm (exact times will be confirmed nearer to the time) and predominantly takes places at King’s College London Strand campus. The summer school is completely free, lunch will be provided, and financial support can be given for anyone who might struggle with travel expenses. 


Year 11 students planning to study Maths and Physics in Year 12. It would also be good if you are planning to study, or interested to find out more about studying, Further Maths next year, but this is not essential.


14th - 18th July 2025.

* Please note we are always happy to provide a letter explaining the reason for a student's absence. We can also liaise with the respective Head of Maths or Form Tutor. We have found schools to be accommodating in the past and we will help in any way we can to secure the place with a student's school. 


King’s College London Strand Campus

All our outreach work is designed to widen participation in the mathematical sciences and to this end we prioritise students who meet any of the following criteria:

  • have been eligible for Free School Meals in any of the past 6 years
  • live or have lived in local authority care, are a young carer, or are disabled
  • are from a group traditionally underrepresented in the mathematical sciences at university level, namely Black African, Black Caribbean, and Gypsy, Roma and traveller students, as well as female and non-binary students
  • live in socio-economically disadvantaged areas (measured by POLAR)
  • have special educational needs
  • attend non-selective schools

Please do consider this when encouraging students to apply.